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From one Caregiver to another. The role of being a Carer responsible for the welfare of another brings with it personal obstacles which are often unseen by the carer themselves. Relationships with the people around you will change due to your added responsibilities and their uncertainty about how to support you. Learning how to negotiate this challenge from the outset will build stronger relationships with not only family and friends, but therapists, teachers and service providers. My Caregiving journey has spanned several decades and continues today. I have learned many strategies to lessen the stress involved. Strategies I wish I had known early in my journey. I hope to share them here.

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    “Wonderful Viv. What a powerful and positive contribution to the mental health and wellbeing of Caregivers. Thank you for your insights."

    Francis Robertson

    Disability Account Manager

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    I share easily implemented strategies to help Caregivers negotiate the always changing issues we as Caregivers know too well. Often a new way of thinking about a situation can open up real possibilities to relieve the stress so many of us deal with daily.

    take a few minutes to read about some of the strategies to help overcome burnout and make optimal decisions